Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lists I'm On

A lazy but efficient method of self-representation: compile what others think you're about.

montreal (11) . collaboration (3) . collective intelligence (2) . a-listers . abundant open & free . academic researchers . academics . academy . algorithms . amis_du_mur . anarcho-fellowtravelers . assetmap twitter crew . blogueurs . blogueurs et techies fr . bud-branch . caned . changeagents . changer le monde . cities . clair2011 .collab . collabor8/innov8/sociolog . collaboration#2 . collective consciousness . colorful tweeps . community .comp-intelligence . complexity & sensemaking . coop-collab . council46 . creative thinkers . curation . currency money . dasexperiment . data and technology . data-mining . dev . digital humanities . digital scholar .digitalmediaandlearning . diseno . disrupting-education . doacracy & thinkocrats . durabilisme .economic/economy/consumer . edtech-global . edtechfaculty . edu_mes_#1 . edu_qc_et/ou_can . edu_quebec . educamp - enseignants . education et universite . education-resources . education/tic . education2 .education_qc . educausedtechcloud . elearning . en personne . experts . filter-my-following . find the others .first-circle . followfriday . forward thinkers . francophones . friends of e180 . friends of twylah . ftw .futureofmoney . futurist-knowledge manage . futurists & trendwatchers . geeks . general favorites . great-web-community . group1 . heads up! . heart of the commutiny . hors_europe_connection . i-inspiring . ideas . ideas for a better world . ignite 1 speakers . infoesthetique . information & person[ne]s, etc. . inner circle .inspiration_motivation . inspirational . intellectual health . intelligence collective . ir/tech . kindred spirits .knowledge . knowledge management . knowledge management #km . lecturers and profs . linkedin connections . listed . listed-me . local . ma_liste . main . marketing advertising . marketing-media sociaux .medias_sociaux . metalife . monde de leducation . montreal emerging . montreal entrepreneurship . montreal tech community . montreal-québec . montreal-tech . mtl . mtlgeekaction . music-related info . my followers .my-twitlets . myfollowers . myinspiration . networks study . new paradigm . new-reality-people . new-world-energies . nitle . notman house . oldskoolnet . open intelligence . open scholarship . open science . open science & open ed . open-knowledge . openmoney . organic systems thinkers . pattern seekers . paxis . people . people who inspire me . people-i-retweet . people-like-me . peopletofollow . personal learning network . persons i met . photography . physicists-ex-physicists . plan0004 . qc . qc-twitter-starz . quebec . quebec-geek . quickread .quora users . quorae . reallymostimportant . rel-met . rencontré à clair . research . reseau_universitaire_qc .retweeters-ff-3 . rococo 2010 . savoirs . science . semweb . sheer interest! . shs . signal . simulacrums . sm . sm-web-it . smartpeople . social change transform . social innovation list . social media thinkers . social networks .social news . social strategy . social-media-samurai . sociotech . sotsiaalmeedia . startup-leader .startupcause2010 . sw . tamiseurs . tech . techno-pedagogie . techno/web . techno_hum . teluq . tendances médias web . theme 04 intellectual . tice . trustnet . tweriffic tweep watchlist . twittercity . uber-robin .universitaire . university bookmen . uq . uqnum . various-contacts . veille techno/recherche . visionaries . web .web-creation-marketing . web2 . web_big_heads . webdinnerinvites . wiki . wikis . wikiway . world20 . yul .yulacademics . yulbloggers . yulmob . yulsparks . éducation - chercheurs . éducation - innovation


  1. Let me #synapse this with a piece from

    We Just Went Through 200 Years of Radical Economic Upheaval -- The Next Economic Era Offers Us a Chance to Control It

    Proposing a 'design economy' -- the more we participate in it and share it, the better we all live and the more sustainable and stable it can become.
    Technology has been the fundamental shaping force of the modern era; developing an understanding of the power of this shaping will enable us to meet some of challenges we face as new technologies now reshape industrial society. It is the understanding of this shaping process, call it design, that will be a fundamental force and positive potential of the next economic era. We are leaving the era of industry and embarking on great new experiments of design. To succeed, we will need the active participation of each of us helping shape our individual and collective lives. We must all be active participants in creating the thinking, tools, institutions, politics, and culture of the design economy.

  2. That's a terrific piece! Thanks for the link!
